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Disability in A Nutshell

BCC is required by law to provide equal access to qualified individuals with disabilities. Academic adjustments are made to ease the impact of a disability on a task demand. BCC can be legally liable if the institution does not provide equal access.

The following procedure exists to ensure accurate and consistent student accommodations. Instructors should be familiar with the procedure.

The following procedure exists to ensure accurate and consistent student accommodations. Instructors should be familiar with the procedure.

  1. Student discloses their disability to DSS by submitting an Intake form.
  2. A disability file is initiated.
  3. Student submits documentation of disability to DSS. Documentation must be completed by a qualified professional with the credentials to assess their disability and provide guidelines for appropriate accommodations.
  4. Student meets with the Director or Coordinator to discuss accommodations and to develop an #&8220Access Plan.#8221
  5. DSS generates an Academic Adjustments Notification letter that outlines the student's accommodations. The student must request the notification letter for each academic quarter.
  6. The student takes the letter to those instructors in whose classes he/she would like to utilize academic adjustments. The instructors and student will discuss the adjustments and determine the best application in a specific course. The student and instructor will coordinate as needed with DSS.
If there are any questions, the instructor should consult with DSS.
  1. Announce to your classes the school's intention to provide assistance for any students with disabilities, either by verbal announcement or by a notice on the syllabus.
  2. Refer student's to Disability Support Services when he or she discloses a disability.
  3. Implement pre-determined, in-class adjustments as outlined in a students Academic Adjustments Letter when the student presents it to you.
  4. Contact DSS when uncertain about directions or implementation of adjustments.
Extended Testing - Extended testing is designed to reduce the impact of a disability by allowing additional time for symbol recognition and decoding, cognitive processing, or to reduce the situational stress of a testing event. Extended testing can be provided in-class or in an alternative location. Tests can also be scheduled 48 hours in advance in DSS.

Distraction Reduced Testing Distraction reduced testing is designed to reduce the impact of a disability by reducing extraneous stimuli that compete with cognitive processing or cue a stress-related reaction. Testing is offered in an environment with reduced noise, light, and activity. Testing rooms within DSS include noise ecluders, ear plugs, and white noise machines for this specific purpose.

Readers and/or Scribes for Tests Readers and/or Scribes are helpful in reducing the impact of a disability by providing alternative forms of information assimilation and expression. Readers and scribes augment the symbol recognition and decoding skills of students with visual impairments, cognitive processing disabilities, and physical disabilities impacting the hands. When used during testing, readers and scribes are not allowed to interpret, add to, or subtract from the material being tested. They read or write verbatim what is presented to them. Readers and scribes are coordinated through DSS.

Use of a Spelling Device or Word Processor for In class Written Work or Tests - Spelling support is designed to reduce the impact of a disability by correctly sequencing information or improving memory recall of symbolic information. Word processors are helpful for longer essays. Word processors are available in DSS for scheduled tests.

Note Takers for Lectures Notetakers reduce the impact of a disability by providing support in the symbol recognition and decoding process inherent in the notetaking process, to eliminate or decrease the latency in short-term cognitive processing, to decrease the physical fatigue of extended on task activities, or to augment a student's notes when issues of distractibility are prevalent. Volunteers are requested by faculty to the students within their class. DSS will hire note takers in special circumstances.

Tape Recording of Lectures - Taping of lectures reduces the impact of a disability by providing a mechanism to review verbally presented material when short-term memory, cognitive processing, or visual impairments exist.

Materials in Alternative Format or Copies of Class Materials - Copied materials or materials in alternate text (enlarged, Brailled, or electronic) reduces the impact of a disability by providing access to written material for individuals with visual, physical, or cognitive processing difficulties. Overheads, PowerPoint slides, and limited-access classroom presentation materials are especially challenging. DSS can assist with copying, enlarging, scanning, and Brailing.
Learning, Cognitive, and Attentional Disabilities

The scope of learning, cognitive, and attentional disabilities is broad. Each student is unique in his/her needs and accommodations. Accommodations are allocated in many forms, depending upon the recommendations of a qualified professional. A student's I Academic Adjustments Notification letter will outline academic adjustments appropriate to the need. Students are encouraged to discuss their learning styles and accommodations with faculty so that faculty can more effectively collaborate with the students to create a positive learning environment.

Reading and Verbal Processing Disabilities

Many students with learning disabilities cannot simultaneously listen to a lecture, process it and take adequate notes. Students with visual, hearing, motor, or processing disabilities may not be physically able to take notes. ”Notetakers“ are classmates who take notes on behalf of the student with a disability. Two-part NCR paper is available for note takers through DSS. A student or a DSS staff member will ask you for assistance in identifying a good scribe for one of your courses.

Visual Disabilities

Students with visual disabilities may need enlarged print or copies of overheads, handouts, tests, etc. They may also use adaptive technology available through DSS. Because of the extra time needed to enlarge, photocopy, convert material to alternative text (such as Braille), or read information to tape, advanced notification and submission of reading material is most helpful to the student. DSS can help in this procedure.

Hearing Disabilities

Students who have hearing impairments often depend upon the visual presentation of information. They may also need to sit in the front of the class to better hear. Occasionally, a student may ask that an instructor wear an adaptive device that transmits his or her voice to a private listening earpiece. Additionally, students may tape-record lectures or request copies of lecture notes.
If possible, the instructor should supplement oral presentations with relevant visual information. Written handouts, blackboard usage and overhead materials are particularly useful. Copies of lecture notes are ideal. To encourage participation in lectures, students who have hearing impairments need to be aware of material before each lecture. A simple handout covering important points is very helpful.


Some disabilities may be hidden or,not noticeable in normal student and instructor interactions, and may have gone undiagnosed prior to college enrollment. Most students with disabilities will display a cluster of behaviors, but not all behaviors typical of a disability. Instructors that identify a student with the below behaviors are recommended to meet with the student and discuss their options, including a referral to DSS.

Reading Skills
Poor word recognition and/or analysis
Slow reading rate
Problems with comprehension
Difficulty retaining information that has been read
Confusion of similar words or word sounds
Word-find difficulties
Writing Skills
Poorly formed or illegible handwriting
Preference for printing rather than cursive
Using a combination of upper- and lower-case letters as well as cursive and print
Difficulty with organization of ideas
Mathematical Skills
Difficulty with fundamental operations and an incomplete mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division
Reversing numbers
Problems keeping columns
Confusing operational symbols and similar numbers
Problems with abstract concepts
Problems with mentally computing calculations
Language Skills
Difficulty expressing ideas out loud
Difficulty remembering or understanding oral instruction
Difficulty concentrating on lectures during a class period
Difficulty listening and taking notes at the same time
Vocabulary weaknesses
Difficulty with foreign languages
Misinterpreting subtleties of language
Study Skills
Time management difficulties
Difficulty completing open-ended, unstructured, or last-minute assignments
Difficulty selecting relevant from irrelevant details
Difficulty organizing time and materials to prepare for tests
Appearing somewhat disorganized
Anxiety, anger, or depression because of extra difficulty in coping with school or social situations
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